Sunshine Recorder Campbell-Stokes

Digunakan untuk mengukur lama waktu penyinaran sinar matahari di suatu lokasi.
Registers the sunshine duration for one entire day. Acut glasssphere focuses the sun's rays and leave an image line on the strip chart. The lenght of the image line corresponds to the duration of sunshine.

The shipment includes the folowing strip charts

  • 140 sheets for summer
  • 140 sheets for winter
  • 100 sheets for spring and autumn

7.1400.10.000 Northern and southern equatorial zone 0 - 40°
7.1405.10.000 Northern and southern hemisphere 25 - 60 °

  • Measuring value         sunshine duration
  • Degree of latitude       adjustable
  • Recording period       1 day per strip chart
  • Dimensions                 205 x 185 x 145 mm
  • Weight                           5 kg

CV Globalindo Teknik Mandiri
(Divisi Alat Test & Klimatologi)
Jl. Raya Johar No.26 RT 5/4 Kel.Cibadak,
Kec.Tanah Sareal, Kota Bogor 16161

0858 8888 7980
0813 1421 0880
