Wisconsin Sampler

Wisconsin Sampler - Case not included
Nitex, Available 10µm,20µm,35µm,53µm,63µm,80µm,153µm,363µm
A popular and versatile net. The anterior reducing cone makes filtration more efficient than a standard conical net. Consists of an anterior reducing cone; a posterior conical filtering net; and Dolphin™ adapter with Wisconsin bucket. A stainless steel net ring holds it open where the reducing cone and filter net meet. Bridle and bucket are stainless steel.

• Mouth diameter: 130 mm (5”)
• Ring diameter: 180 mm (7”)
• Includes matched Wisconsin bucket and adapter
• Nets and Nitex® bucket strips available in 4 sizes. 80 mm is most common.


CV Globalindo Teknik Mandiri
(Divisi Alat Test & Klimatologi)
Jl. Raya Johar No.26 RT 5/4 Kel.Cibadak,
Kec.Tanah Sareal, Kota Bogor 16161

0858 8888 7980
0813 1421 0880
