Student Insect Collecting & Mounting Kit

Student Insect Collecting & Mounting Kit. Ideal for secondary level students or beginning collectors.

Contains: 12” diameter nylon aerial collecting net with an 18” hardwood handle; fiberboard insect box with pinning bottom (9” x 13” x 2-1/2”); two pocket-type, 4 oz. killing jars with plaster; 8 dram vial of nontoxic ethyl acetate killing fluid; spade tip, nickel-plated forceps; spreading board with 12” foam pinning surfaces and variable groove of 1/8” to 3/4”; three-step hardwood pinning block; pack of 100 insect pins, size 2 or 3; 50 glassine envelopes (2-3/4” x 4-1/4”); 60 blank labels, index stock (7/8” x 1/2”); two fumidors, naphthalene cones on mounting pins; label pen and point, crow quill; illustrated instruction book.


CV Globalindo Teknik Mandiri
(Divisi Alat Test & Klimatologi)
Jl. Raya Johar No.26 RT 5/4 Kel.Cibadak,
Kec.Tanah Sareal, Kota Bogor 16161

0858 8888 7980
0813 1421 0880
